American suburbs radically changed over the decades – and so have their politics
Republished from The Conversation American suburbs radically changed over the decades – and so have their politics Jan Nijman, Georgia State University Editor’s note:…
How state courts – not federal judges – could protect voting rights
Republished from The Conversation How state courts – not federal judges – could protect voting rights Steven Mulroy, University of Memphis A jaw-dropping deluge…
How to be a good digital citizen during the election – and its aftermath
Republished from The Conversation How to be a good digital citizen during the election – and its aftermath Kolina Koltai, University of Washington In…
What it’s like to lose a presidential election
For the winner of the election, the moment of victory brings unbridled joy and acclamation…This isn’t so for the loser, who must ultimately accept the responsibility for the defeat.
Election 2020: 89 articles to teach you about how American elections really work
Republished from The Conversation Election 2020: 89 articles to teach you about how American elections really work Catesby Holmes, The Conversation; Jeff Inglis, The…
For a growing number of evangelical Christians, Trump is no longer the lesser of two evils
Republished from The Conversation For a growing number of evangelical Christians, Trump is no longer the lesser of two evils Stewart Clem, Aquinas Institute…
The history of oath ceremonies and why they matter when taking office
Republished from The Conversation The history of oath ceremonies and why they matter when taking office Joanne M. Pierce, College of the Holy Cross…
Why masks are a religious issue
Republished from The Conversation Why masks are a religious issue Leslie Dorrough Smith, Avila University Seemingly everyone has an opinion on masks: when to…
In two political battlegrounds, thousands of mail-in ballots are on the verge of being rejected
Republished from The Conversation In two political battlegrounds, thousands of mail-in ballots are on the verge of being rejected Michael Herron, Dartmouth College and…
Our Broken Politics
OUR BROKEN POLITICS The age of Donald Trump has been just 4 years long but for many of us it has seemed like an…
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It’s all about balance – faith balanced with rationality; order providing dependability and structure balanced with the chaos of creative open mindedness that allows us to adapt and progress; these contrasting qualities underlie the conservative vs liberal, Democrat vs Republican duality we see all arounds us. Too often, however, we miss that both are required and from either side we can take too little or too much. OurMortalCoil is all about balance. I hope you find something on this site helpful. Namaste. God Bless. Take it easy.